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Dialogue between two neighbour on Americs's use of force against countries to check terrorism

A: It's nice that you're walking while the moon is shining all around us.
B: But it's dark inside me, as my heart and soul are deeply hurt.

A: What's causing your pain? Something really wrong at home?
B: No, not at home, but in the countries we care deeply about.

A: You mean Afghanistan and Iraq, where the US took military action.
B: Yes, and it's the US, which we thought was democratic and open-minded, that chose to attack these Islamic nations.

A: I'm against this attack, this strike, and I strongly criticize it.
B: While I share your opinion, I wish that all Muslim countries were among the strongest in the world.

A: I agree.
B: Then pay attention and hear this: Why don't other countries launch missiles at the US?

A: Because, as we all know, the US is a superpower.
B: Then we should also become a major power.

A: Exactly, I fully understand and support what you're saying, but how can we achieve that?

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