Dialogue between a student and a police sergeant on one-wheeling
Police Sergeant: Hey there! What are you up to?
Student: Just riding my motorcycle to college, sir.
Police Sergeant: Hold on! You're doing that one-wheel stunt, which is really risky.
Student: Why is it risky, sir?
Police Sergeant: Well, you might lose control and hit someone walking by.
Student: Oh, I don't think that will happen. Can I please keep going?
Police Sergeant: Halt and step off the bike. I might have to report you.
Student: Okay, I'll stop. But I don't think I've done anything wrong.
Police Sergeant: By the way, can I see your ID and license, please?
Student: Sure, here's my ID. But my license is at home.
Police Sergeant: What about the bike's registration?
Student: Here's the registration. I promise, no more one-wheeling.
Police Sergeant: If you ever feel like showing off, do it at home or in a safe area. I'll let you off this time.
Student: Thanks a lot, sir.