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Dialogue between two students regarding prayers.

A: I'm tired now. Ate my food. Want to rest.
B: Okay. You rest. I'll put this picture on the wall. Where's the tape?

A: It's in the drawer.
B: I think the picture should go higher. How does it look, Osama?

A: Nice! Good job. It looks good there. Let's go pray at the mosque now.
B: I'm going to the market. I'll be quick.

A: No. Pray first. You hear the call to prayer, right?
B: Yeah, I do. But I need to go out. My motorcycle is at the gate.

A: Nothing should be more important than praying.
B: I don't get it. Life is short. Lots to do – games, sports, TV, cricket, movies, shopping, hanging out. Sorry, I'm leaving.

A: Well, I can't stop you. Even though you mean a lot to me, I hope you pray. Praying gives us peace, balance, courage, hope in this short life, and goodness in the afterlife.
B: Your lectures are tiring, Osama!

A: Look, Allah gave us eyes, ears, heart, hands, legs, and brains. Salman, we have a beautiful world around us. Amazing gifts! We need to thank Allah – the Merciful, the Sustainer. As Muslims, praying is how we thank Allah.
B: Alright. I fear Allah. Love Him too. I'll come with you.
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