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Letter to Your Friend Congratulating Him on His Brilliant Success in the Examination.

Examination Room,
June 3, 2010

Hello Arslan,

I'm thrilled to hear about your excellent exam results! I'm currently in Chittagong, but I'll be heading to Dhaka next week. Let's plan to catch up when I'm there. Have you decided on your future path yet? It's important to follow your own interests. If I were in your shoes, I'd consider becoming an agriculturist.

Our country mainly relies on farming. Many farmers lack education and use traditional methods for growing crops. By adopting modern techniques, they could increase their harvests. This would help make our nation self-sufficient in food production.

Sadly, many of our bright students overlook this reality. They often aspire to become doctors, engineers, or computer experts, neglecting the potential of agriculture. Considering Bangladesh's fertile land, we should give more attention to farming. Developing our agricultural sector could bring positive changes to our economy.

Best regards,
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