Dialogue between two women about doing something
Rubina: Hi Shabnam! I haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?
Shabnam: I tried to come visit you many times, but my new job at home kept me busy.
Rubina: What's your new job? Are you working in the city?
Shabnam: No, not in the city. I'm actually working at my house. You won't believe what I'm doing now. I'm making dolls for kids and selling them at stores!
Rubina: That's impressive, Shabnam! I wish I could do something too, but my husband doesn't agree. We need more money for the kids.
Shabnam: I know you're really good at sewing clothes. Why not make clothes for women and kids?
Rubina: What a great idea! I'll talk to my husband about getting me an electric sewing machine, and I can start making clothes.
Shabnam: I'll explain to your husband how beneficial it is to work from home when you can't work outside. It'll help you earn money for better food and maybe even better education for your children.
Rubina: Plus, working like this contributes to producing more things for our society and helps others too.
Shabnam: But you should start by helping yourself.
Rubina: Thank you so much for your wonderful suggestion.
Shabnam: You're welcome, no problem at all!