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Hatem Tai

A long time ago, there was a really kind and giving man in a place called Yemen. His name was Hatem Tai. He wasn't rich, but he was really friendly. People loved Hatem Tai so much that they thought he was even better than the king of the land. But this made the king jealous and he wanted to hurt Hatem Tai. The king sent one of his people to hurt Hatem Tai and bring back his head.

So, the person went on his way. While traveling, he met a young guy. The young guy invited the traveler to his home for the night. The next morning, the traveler found out that the person who had given him a place to stay was actually Hatem Tai himself.

Hatem Tai told the traveler to do what the king wanted as soon as possible. But the traveler was surprised. Instead of following the king's mean order, he said goodbye to Hatem Tai and went to the king's place.

The king heard the story. He was happy. He praised the traveler for not hurting Hatem Tai. Then the king sent a message asking Hatem Tai to come to the palace. Hatem Tai was really happy to accept the king's invitation.
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