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Letter to Your Friend About a Street Accident You Have Witnessed Recently

Dear Shamim,

I hope this letter finds you well. Something really shocking happened recently that I want to share with you. It was a day when I saw something really sad and unexpected.

Near the park across from our home, a group of boys, probably around 10 to 12 years old, were playing with a tennis ball. All of a sudden, one of them jumped over a fence and dashed into the street. Right at that moment, a car that belonged to a private person was driving by that area. Unfortunately, the boy rushed right in front of the car so quickly that the driver couldn't stop the car in time. 

People nearby started shouting and trying to help. I also went over to see what had happened. We managed to get the boy out from under the car, and we made sure the driver was safe and protected from any trouble. It wasn't the driver's fault that the accident happened.

Soon, the police arrived at the scene. They took both the car and the boy's body to Dhaka Medical College Hospital. The whole sight was really upsetting, and I can't get it out of my mind. It makes me feel a mix of horror and sadness whenever I think about it. I hope the boy's soul is at peace now.

Take care and stay well. Sending you my best wishes and lots of love.

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