Letter to Your Friend Describing the Present Situation of Dhaka City
Dear Ritu,
I got your letter yesterday. You asked about our friends in Dhaka. Dhaka is the main city of Bangladesh. A long time ago, it was the most important place in a larger area ruled by Emperor Jahangir. It's located near the Buriganga river. I remember you visited Dhaka about ten years ago. If you went there now, you'd see a lot of changes.
Many new roads and paths have been built. There are big, tall buildings now. But, the small lakes and pools that used to be in the middle of the city are gone. They've put things like buildings on top of them. Because of this, the city doesn't look as nice as it used to. There are thousands of buses, small buses, trucks, and other vehicles driving on the streets, and they make the air dirty.
The noises from these vehicles are also making the air noisy. There are big factories and businesses that make things, but they're also putting dirty stuff into the water and air. They're throwing out harmful chemicals and waste products. The way people throw away their waste and the bad pipes for water are making the water dirty too. There aren't any fish in the Buriganga river anymore. The people in Dhaka are getting seriously sick because of all these problems.
All of this is happening because the number of people living there is growing really fast. That's all for today.
Yours truly,