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Life History of Prophet Muhammad from birth to death.

Who was Muhammad?

Muhammad was a special person who started the Islamic religion. He was like a teacher and leader for people who followed Islam. In his early life, he was part of a regular family. When he was 40 years old, he started getting messages from Allah, which Muslims believe are really important. These messages became the foundation of Islam. By the year 630, he had brought many people in the Arabian Peninsula together to believe in the same thing. Today, there are over 1.8 billion Muslims around the world who believe in Allah and Muhammad.

The Life of Muhammad

Muhammad was born around 570 AD in a place called Mecca, which is now in Saudi Arabia. His father died before he was born, so his grandpa and then his uncle took care of him. He came from a family that didn't have much money, but they were still important in their community. Mecca was a busy place where people traded things and believed in many gods. One special building there was called the Kaaba, which they thought was built by a person named Abraham. Muhammad grew up learning about trading and being honest.

When he was older, he worked for a lady named Khadijah, who was also his wife. They had a good life together and had children. Muhammad was known as a good and trustworthy person.

The Prophet Muhammad

Muhammad was really interested in religion and often visited a special place to think and pray. One day, when he was in a cave, an angel named Gabriel came to him and gave him a message from God. This message was the beginning of the Quran, which is the holy book of Islam. At first, Muhammad was unsure about these messages, but his wife and a friend believed in him and his message. He started telling others about these messages and more people began to follow him.

Some people in Mecca didn't like Muhammad's message because it was different from what they believed. They also made money from the old beliefs, so they didn't want things to change. Because of this, Muhammad and his followers had to leave Mecca and move to a city called Medina. This was a tough time, but Muhammad helped the people in Medina come together.

Muhammad and his followers had to fight to protect themselves, and eventually, they were able to return to Mecca and make peace. Muhammad died in the year 632 when he was 62 years old. People still remember him and his teachings, and Islam continues to be an important religion for many people.
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