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story writing on quarrel between Limbs and the Belly


Once upon a time, there were two important parts inside a living body: the limbs and the belly. These two didn't get along well, and they got into a big argument. The limbs, like arms and legs, believed that they were doing all the hard work to keep the body going. They were quite envious of the belly, which seemed to just receive things without doing much.

The limbs were really upset about this and even threatened to stop working if things didn't change. Surprisingly, the belly decided to give in to their demands and stopped taking in any food that the mouth offered. This led to a big problem. Without the belly receiving and processing food, the body didn't get the necessary nutrients to stay healthy and active.

Because of this, the limbs started becoming weak and lost their strength. The whole body began to starve, and it couldn't perform its usual tasks. It turned out that the belly's main job was to take the food, turn it into energy, and share that energy with all the other body parts. This energy is what keeps the body working properly.

Finally, the limbs realized their mistake. They understood the importance of working together with the belly. Instead of fighting, they should have cooperated. They learned this lesson the hard way. From that point on, they began to work together harmoniously, each part doing its job to support the whole body.

Moral of the story: Working together is the foundation of a strong existence.
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