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Our School Library- paragraph*Writing part* Grade- Six to ten

A library is like a special room filled with different kinds of books, papers, CDs, and things to read or borrow.

Think of it as a treasure chest of knowledge. A library helps us learn about things we don't know yet. It's like finding out secrets of the world. A library is really important for knowing things. It's like a part of our school. Our school has a big library that's next to where the teachers are. It's as long as a bus and about as wide as three rooms. Our library has lots of books. There are shelves with different kinds of books in it. Books written by famous authors are kept on the shelves, and you can find out about them from a list at the back of the books. Someone called a librarian is in charge of the library. They give us books we like to read. There are also helpers who work with the librarian. They help us find books we want using the lists and keep the library nice and tidy. There are chairs and tables for us to use in the library when we read books. We get cards to use the library. We can even take books home with us. We have to bring back the books we borrow within two weeks. When we're in the library, we have to be quiet. We're not allowed to make noise. The library helps us learn things we don't know. So, we feel proud to have such a great library in our school.
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