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The Internet-paragraph

The Internet is like a big worldwide web of computers. It's kind of like a bunch of networks all connected together. Think about it like linking two or more computers using things like cables, modems, and satellites – that's what makes the Internet work.

People say the Internet is the coolest thing humans have come up with. It's like a super helpful tool for everyone, no matter how young or old. Right now, it's the main way people share and get information using computers. It's quick and easy to use. The Internet lets folks from all around the planet have information and talk with each other, just like holding a tiny information world in your hand. It helps with things like buying and selling stuff and also helps a lot in learning. Students and teachers can use the Internet to find all sorts of important info. And guess what? It's not just students and teachers who benefit. Business folks, money experts, doctors, politicians, and other professionals can learn and get useful things from the Internet too. But the Internet isn't perfect. Sometimes, young people end up spending too much time hopping from one website to another. This can turn into a bad habit, and they might spend way too much time online. Also, using the Internet in our country can cost a lot of money. The people in charge should try to make it easier and cheaper for everyone in Bangladesh to use the Internet.

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