Sheikh Saadi and His Dress / Dress Does Not Make a Man Great / The Value of Attire
Sheikh Saadi, a famous poet, liked to wear simple clothes. Once, the king of Iran invited him to his palace, which was very far from Sheikh Saadi's home. So, Sheikh Saadi started his journey a day before he had to reach the king's palace. While traveling, as it was getting dark, he found a place to stay at a nobleman's house. But the nobleman didn't recognize him and thought he was just an ordinary person. Sheikh Saadi didn't reveal his true identity and didn't wear fancy clothes. Because of this, the nobleman and his servants didn't treat him very well and gave him not-so-good food to eat.
The next morning, Sheikh Saadi left the nobleman's house and finally arrived at the king's palace. The king treated him with a lot of respect and gave him beautiful clothes as gifts.
After a few days, while returning home, Sheikh Saadi stayed again at the same nobleman's house. This time, he was wearing the fancy clothes the king had given him. The nobleman welcomed him warmly and offered him delicious food. Sheikh Saadi started putting the food in his pockets, which surprised the nobleman. The nobleman asked him why he was doing that, and Sheikh Saadi explained that his clothes now matched the good treatment he was receiving, unlike the poor treatment he got a few days ago when he was wearing simple clothes. The nobleman realized his mistake, felt embarrassed about how he had treated Sheikh Saadi earlier, and apologized to him.