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The Happy Cobbler and The Banker

The Joyful Shoemaker and The Banker

Once upon a time, there lived a very happy shoemaker. He spent his days working and singing happily from morning until night. He had a rich neighbor who was a banker. One day, the banker came to the shoemaker and asked, "How much money do you make in a year?" The shoemaker replied, "I don't really know. I never really think about it because I live day by day." The banker said, "I feel sorry for your lack of wealth. You should try to improve your situation." The shoemaker laughed and responded, "I'm content with what I earn each day."

The next day, the banker visited again and said, "Listen, my friend! I want to help you out of your troubles. Take this sum of one thousand pounds, keep it safe, and use it when you need it." The shoemaker was extremely surprised by the large amount of money. He had never seen so much money all at once before. At first, he wasn't sure where to hide the money to keep it safe. Eventually, he decided to dig a hole inside his hut and bury it there.

During the night, a new worry entered his mind, "What if someone comes and steals my money?" As a result, he couldn't sleep at all. For the next few days, he couldn't focus on his work and couldn't sleep at night due to his worries about the money. Finally, he came to realize that the money had taken away his inner peace and happiness. So, one morning, he went to the banker's house and returned the money.

From that point on, he was able to go back to his days of singing and being joyful, just like before.
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