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Tree Plantation Paragraph in short and broad

Tree plantation is about planting more trees in a planned way. Trees are really important for us in many ways. They take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. Oxygen is what we need to breathe and stay alive. If there's too much carbon dioxide in the air, it's harmful. Trees also give us wood for building homes, making furniture, and even medicine. They provide us with tasty food, fruits, and vitamins. Trees also bring us pretty flowers that we can use to decorate our homes and special occasions.

People also use parts of trees like leaves, roots, and bark to make medicines for different illnesses. Trees help keep the soil from washing away, and they protect us from things like floods, storms, and droughts. They make the land good for growing things. Trees even help bring rain.

Animals and birds find homes and places to raise their babies in trees. Trees are important to keep a balance in nature. But some people cut down trees without thinking, which is really bad. It puts both humans and animals in danger.

To make our world healthy, we need to plant more trees. The government should make rules to plant more trees every year. People who live in the countryside should be encouraged to plant trees. TV, radio, and the internet can help tell everyone how important trees are.

Trees are a big part of our environment and our lives. Planting more trees helps keep everything in balance and makes our world a better place to live.
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