Unity is Strength । একতাই বল । Completing-Story
Once upon a time, there was an old farmer who had four sons. These sons would often argue and fight with each other, causing the farmer to feel sad. The noise from their loud shouting also bothered the neighbors, who became annoyed. The farmer worried a lot about what might happen to his sons in the future. One day, he decided to talk to his sons and gave them a special task.
He asked them to bring four sticks, and when they had the sticks, he tied them together to make a bundle. Then he handed the bundle to his sons and told each of them to try to break it. One by one, each son tried their hardest, but none of them could break the bundle. Then, the farmer gave each son one stick from the bundle and asked them to break the single sticks. This time, all of them were able to break their sticks easily.
The farmer then shared the reason behind his plan. He explained that if his sons continued to fight and stay apart from each other, they would be easily harmed by others. He advised them to stay united, just like the bundle of sticks. He wanted them to be strong together, so that no one could harm them. This story taught the four sons an important lesson. They realized that by staying united, they could overcome any challenges. From that day on, they stopped quarreling, lived happily together, and were much stronger as a team.