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The Pied Piper of Hamelin Completing story (We should keep our promises)

The Tale of the Pied Piper of Hamelin

Once upon a time in the town of Hamelin, there was a big problem with rats. These rats were causing a lot of trouble for the people of Hamelin. They were so huge that they even killed cats and bit babies. People were really upset about this situation and went to the mayor to ask for help. They even said they might remove him from his job if he couldn't fix the rat problem. So, the mayor called a meeting with his advisors to figure out what to do. But they couldn't agree on a plan.

Suddenly, a man who played the flute appeared before them. He suggested that he could get rid of the rats if the mayor paid him one thousand coins called guilders. The mayor agreed, and the flute player went outside and started playing his flute. All of a sudden, thousands of rats came out of every house and followed the music. They all went into a river and the town was finally free of the troublesome rats.

After finishing his job, the flute player came back to the town hall to get his payment. But the mayor didn't take his promise seriously. The flute player went outside again and played a different tune on his flute. Right away, all the children in the town started following him. They ended up stopping in front of a hill, which opened up and took the children inside. The town faced a big and permanent loss.

Moral of the story: We should always keep our promises.

Word meanings:

Annoyed - feeling bothered or irritated

Threatened - warned about something bad that might happen

Appeared - showed up, came into view

Guilders - a type of currency used in Holland

Flute - a musical instrument that you blow into to make music

Emphasis - special attention or importance

Chased - ran after, followed closely
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