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Who will Bell the cat ? । বিড়ালের গলায় ঘন্টা বাধবে কে ? । Completing-Story

Once upon a time, there were some rats having a great time at a rich man's house. They were always making noises, playing around, and even talking about nibbling on children. The house owner brought in a cat to chase them away. This made the rats very worried because they were really scared of cats. They couldn't move around the house as freely as they used to. One day, they thought of a plan to get rid of the cat. They got together to discuss how to do it. They talked about it for a long time, but no one could come up with a good idea.

Then, a young rat had a thought. "Hey, let's tie a bell around the cat's neck. When the cat walks, the bell will ring, and then we can run away!" The other rats were excited and thought it was a brilliant plan. They praised the young rat and thanked him a lot. But there was an older mouse who had been quiet until now. He spoke up and said, "It sounds like a good plan, but who will be brave enough to tie the bell around the cat's neck?" Everyone became quiet because no one wanted to do that risky task.

The older mouse continued, "Thinking of ideas is easy, but actually doing them can be really hard." In an instant, the rats' happiness disappeared, and they left the meeting feeling discouraged.
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