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Write a Dialogue about advantages and disadvantages of Modern Science

Ahsan: Hi, Mabrur! How's it going?

Mabrur: All good. What about you?

Ahsan: I'm fine. But I've been thinking about something.

Mabrur: What's on your mind? Can you share?

Ahsan: Sure thing. I've been pondering the good and bad sides of modern science.

Mabrur: Sure, I get you. What do you see as the good things about science?

Ahsan: Well, science has given us many useful inventions that help people a lot. It's like the whole world is right at our fingertips because of science.

Mabrur: Absolutely, things like the radio and television have changed how we live day-to-day.

Ahsan: Totally agree. Computers and the internet have sped up our lives and made things more convenient. They've also made time and distance less important.

Mabrur: Right on, they've brought incredible advancements in information and technology.

Ahsan: But we shouldn't forget that all of these are possible because of electricity.

Mabrur: No doubt about it! Electricity is what powers modern civilization.

Ahsan: Exactly! By the way, do you think there are any downsides to science?

Mabrur: I don't think science itself is the problem. It's how people sometimes misuse it. Science is a great gift, but if used wrongly, it can become a curse.

Ahsan: Thanks a lot for this interesting chat. Catch you later!

Mabrur: You're welcome. Take care and goodbye!
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