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Write a Dialogue Bbetween you and fruit seller.

Mabrur: Hi there! I want to buy some fruits.

Fruit seller: Of course! Which fruits do you want?

Mabrur: Do you have Fazli mangoes?

Fruit seller: Yes, we do. Fazli mangoes are among the best here.

Mabrur: How much is it for one kilogram?

Fruit seller: It's Tk. 150 per kilogram.

Mabrur: Wow, that's expensive. I got a kilogram for only Tk. 110 a few days ago.

Fruit seller: Prices are going up for fruits these days, sir.

Mabrur: Anyway, can I get a kilogram for Tk. 100?

Fruit seller: I've set my prices for selling.

Mabrur: But you raised your price. I can pay Tk. 130 per kilogram.

Fruit seller: How many kilograms do you want?

Mabrur: Just five kilograms.

Fruit seller: Alright, deal. Let me get that for you. Give me a moment.

Mabrur: Thanks.

Fruit seller: You're welcome.
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