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Write a Dialogue between two friends on Unemployment Problem

Mabrur: Hey Ahsan, how are you?

Ahsan: Hey, all good. How about you?

Mabrur: Not great. I'm worried about my future. If I can't find a job after my exams, that would be really bad.

Ahsan: Yeah, lots of people can't find jobs here. Not enough jobs for everyone.

Mabrur: You're right. But I think if we learn some specific skills, we might have a better chance at getting a job.

Ahsan: True. We should decide what to do after our SSC exams to improve our chances.

Mabrur: Can you tell me how to avoid being unemployed?

Ahsan: Sure, learn a skill or trade. With good skills, we can work in different jobs.

Mabrur: What about people who can't do regular jobs, like disabled people?

Ahsan: They have options too. Nowadays, disabled people can learn skills that match their abilities. They're actually doing well in various professions.

Mabrur: Really? They can do that?

Ahsan: Absolutely. I know places that teach them. Many disabled people now have their own jobs or work for others.

Mabrur: Who else is jobless in our society?

Ahsan: Some young people, students, and those who have disabilities like blindness, deafness, or being unable to walk.

Mabrur: Thanks for talking about this with me.

Ahsan: No problem. Happy to chat.
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