Write a Dialogue between two friends about after coming out Examination Hall
Mabrur: Hi, Ahsan. How did your paper go today?
Ahsan: It was okay. But you seem really happy. What's up?
Mabrur: Oh, I had a really tough time today. The questions scared me from the beginning. I tried my best to manage somehow.
Ahsan: Well, I answered all the questions. Honestly, they were pretty difficult. But I managed to handle them.
Mabrur: Questions 2 and 4 were unfamiliar to me. Overall, the questions felt really tough.
Ahsan: I don't think so. Maybe they felt tough because you couldn't study much due to your illness.
Mabrur: Your thought could be right or wrong. I don't know. But it's true that you're a smart student. So, your situation is different.
Ahsan: Still, getting at least 50% shouldn't be too hard for the entire paper.
Mabrur: I'm talking about the average students, though.
Ahsan: I didn't see any students looking downcast.
Mabrur: Seriously? The questions were definitely hard for average students like me.
Ahsan: The grammar questions were quite simple. Also, the essay topic was something very common.
Mabrur: Don't forget that you're one of the top students in class. By the way, I wonder if the examiners understand our situation.
Ahsan: They're all intelligent people. The real issue is that we sometimes neglect our studies and then face the consequences.
Mabrur: I agree with you on that. But it's nice to see you staying positive.
Ahsan: Let's hope for the best and start taking things seriously from now on.