Write a dialogue between two friends about Fashion
Friend 1: Hey there!
Friend 2: Hi!
Friend 1: I must say, you've transformed yourself into quite the fashionista. What brought about this change?
Friend 2: Thanks! I've been attending fashion shows lately and they've given me so much insight into personal grooming and style.
Friend 1: Fashion seems to be spreading like wildfire, capturing the interest of people of all ages, be it kids, youngsters, or even the older crowd.
Friend 2: Absolutely, it's becoming a widespread phenomenon.
Friend 1: It's fascinating how fashion has permeated every aspect of life, from hairstyles and shoes to clothing and even mannerisms.
Friend 2: Even students are getting more and more fashionable. They come to study looking like they're walking a runway.
Friend 1: True, the influence is noticeable. And it's not just limited to girls; boys are equally keen on staying up-to-date with the latest fashion trends.
Friend 2: Definitely. TV programs and the internet play a significant role in keeping them informed about the fashion industry.
Friend 1: Exactly, it's all about awareness these days.
Friend 2: I couldn't agree more.
Friend 1: Alright, I need to head home. I've been inspired by your fashion sense, and I'll work on my style statement now.
Friend 2: Thank you for your kind words. See you soon! Goodbye.