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Write a story on the moral lesson ..Do good, have good.

Once upon a time, there was a wealthy man who had a servant. This servant worked really hard, but he was given very little food to eat and had to work day and night. The servant didn't enjoy this difficult life. One day, he decided to leave the rich man's house and ventured into a forest.

While in the forest, the servant came across a lion that was in pain. There was a thorn stuck in the lion's paw, causing it great discomfort. The lion was whimpering due to the pain. The servant felt sorry for the lion and carefully removed the thorn from its paw. The lion was so grateful that it licked the servant's hands before going on its way.

As time passed, the servant faced some trouble and was thrown in front of a hungry lion as a punishment. But something surprising happened. Instead of attacking the servant, the lion approached him affectionately and licked his hands. People who witnessed this were astonished. It turned out that the lion he had helped in the forest was the same lion that spared him now.

The Lesson:
This story teaches us an important lesson: when you do good deeds, they often come back to reward you. The kindness the servant showed to the lion ended up saving his own life later on. So, it's like a reminder that if you do good things for others, good things are likely to come your way too.
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