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Write a story on the moral lesson: Try Try Again

Once upon a time in Scotland, there was a guy named Robert Bruce. His country was taken over by bossy British people, and he really didn't like that. So, he decided to fight them in battles, like 17 of them, to kick them out and make his country free.

But guess what? Every time he fought, he lost. It was like he couldn't catch a break. One time, he got all his stuff together and got ready for a big fight, thinking he'd win for sure. But nope, he got beaten up again and had to run away to save himself. Imagine how sad and hopeless he felt.

Feeling super down, he went to hide in a cave, thinking he's done with trying to win. While he was in the cave, feeling all grumpy and sorry for himself, he saw this tiny spider. The spider was trying to climb up the wall to get to its home, a little spider web. But it kept falling down over and over again. 

He started talking to the spider like, "Hey little spider, give up already. Your web is way up there. Just find a new home." But that spider didn't listen. It fell down nine times, and he thought it would quit. But nope, on the tenth try, that spider was like, "I'm not giving up!" And you know what? It actually reached its web!

Robert Bruce was watching this and thinking, "If this itsy-bitsy spider can keep trying and finally succeed, why can't I?" That little spider totally inspired him. He got all excited again and thought, "Let's give this freedom thing another shot!" So, he got his buddies together, fought the British with even more energy, and guess what? This time, he won! He kicked those British folks out and made his country free.

So, here's the moral of the story:
1. Keep trying, even when things don't go your way.
2. Don't stop fighting for what you want.
3. You can't just sit around waiting for miracles. You gotta do your part too.
4. No pain, no gain. If you want something good, be ready to work for it.
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