Write a story on the moral lesson Tit for Tats
A long time ago, there were three friends who went on a journey together. While they were traveling through a forest, they spotted a bag lying on the ground. They were very excited when they opened it and found it filled with gold. They decided to share the gold equally among themselves.
Since they were feeling hungry and tired, they sat down under a tree. One of them went to a nearby town to bring some food. While he was away, the other two friends came up with a plan. They thought it would be better to kill the one who went to get food and split the gold only between themselves. The friend who went to get food had a bad quality - he was very greedy. He added poison to the food he brought back.
He thought to himself, "When they eat this poisoned food, I will get all the gold for myself. With that gold, I can go to the town and start my own business." When he returned to his companions, they ended up killing him. Then the remaining two friends ate the food that the first friend had brought. Sadly, since the food was poisoned, both of them also died right away.
Moral of the story:
1. What you do to others will come back to you in some way.
2. Being too greedy can lead to bad outcomes.
3. Treating others poorly can have consequences, just like the saying "tit for tat," where actions are returned in kind.