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Moral Story - Look before you leap

A long time ago, there was a fox. One day, this fox accidentally fell into a deep hole in the ground, which was like a well. The fox was stuck and didn't know how to get out.

Then, the fox heard a goat nearby. The fox called out to the goat for help. The goat looked down into the well and asked the fox what it was doing there. The fox came up with a tricky story, saying that the water in the well was really delicious and refreshing. The fox claimed to take baths there every day.

The fox invited the thirsty goat to come down and taste the water. The goat, tempted by the idea of refreshing water, jumped into the well. With the goat's help, the fox managed to climb out of the well. But now the goat was the one stuck in the well, feeling foolish for its hasty decision.

The goat asked the fox for help in getting out. However, the fox pointed out that the goat should have thought before jumping into the well. The fox reminded the goat that it's important to think and consider the consequences before making a decision. The fox then told the goat to enjoy the cold water and learn a lesson from its hasty action.

Moral of the story:
Always think before you act. Acting without thinking can lead to problems.
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