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Composition | A Cleaner/ Rubbish Collector

A man who picks up trash every day in our neighborhood is called a rubbish collector or a cleaner. Usually, he has a fresh mind and he works for the good of our community.

He cleans up our surroundings and always enjoys his job. He values his work and believes that all jobs are important for us.

To collect the trash, he has to visit different houses in the area where he lives. Usually, he wakes up early in the morning and goes to collect the garbage that people leave in front of their homes.

Sometimes, the trash is dirty, but it doesn't bother him. He puts it in his plastic bag and places it in a large trash bin. He understands that every job has its own worth.

The life of a cleaner is filled with pain and hardship. He can't provide proper food, shelter, clothing, and education for his family. He leads an unhappy life and is unable to educate his children or receive proper medical care.

If he stops working, the entire area will become dirty and unhealthy. That's why we should respect him and his work. Additionally, our government should provide him with a better salary.

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