Composition | A Cyclone
When a strong storm spins around a center, it is called a cyclone. It moves very fast, usually between forty and one hundred or more kilometers per hour. Cyclones can happen anytime and anywhere. The most powerful cyclones usually hit the tropics. In Bangladesh, cyclones usually start in the Bay of Bengal and blow toward the land. They often come with thunderstorms and heavy rain. Before a cyclone arrives, there is usually a few days of unbearable heat. Then, one day, the sky becomes very dark with clouds, and strong winds start blowing with lightning and thunder. This creates a terrible situation that lasts for a few hours. It causes a lot of damage. Many people and animals die. Houses are blown away. The high waves and heavy rain wash away food stores and leave behind signs of terrible destruction. After the cyclone, there is usually a shortage of food, and diseases like cholera, dysentery, diarrhea, and fever spread in the affected areas. However, we can reduce the great damage caused by cyclones to some extent. By using modern weather forecasting technologies, we can give advance warning to people who might be affected by the cyclone. Immediately after a severe cyclone, we should provide quick relief, medical treatment, and essential medicines to the affected people.