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Story | A Discontented Soul

Once upon a time, there was a kind and wealthy man who built a magnificent house. He placed a message on the front gate that said, "This house will be given to the first person who can prove they are happy with what they have." One day, a stranger came to the gate and requested to speak with the noble man.

The noble man attentively listened to the stranger. The stranger tried his best to show that he was content in various ways. He shared stories about his satisfied life, which took a long time. As the sun slowly set in the distance, the noble man said, "Alright, you must be very tired. Please rest, and we can continue our conversation tomorrow."

The noble man made sure the stranger was well taken care of. After having dinner, the stranger went to bed in a luxurious, comfortable bed. 

Early the next morning, the noble man greeted the stranger, wishing him a good day. However, he noticed that the stranger seemed very tired. His eyes were swollen and red. Curious, the noble man asked, "What happened? Didn't you sleep well last night?" 

"No, not at all," the stranger replied. "I spent the entire night thinking about how I could improve the house once it was mine." 

At that moment, the noble man realized that the stranger was not content but rather discontented. Therefore, he decided not to give him the house.

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