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Story | Unity Is Strength/ A Farmer And His Sons

Once upon a time, there was an old farmer who had four sons. These sons had a habit of arguing and fighting with each other. One day, the farmer decided to teach them an important lesson about unity.

He called his sons and asked them to bring some sticks and tie them together into a bundle. Once the bundle was ready, he handed it to his oldest son and told him to try and break it. The eldest son tried his best but couldn't break the bundle. Then, one by one, the other sons attempted to break it as well, but none of them succeeded.

Seeing their struggle, the farmer asked them to untie the bundle and gave each of his sons a single stick. He then asked them to try and break their individual sticks. To their surprise, they easily snapped their own sticks.

The farmer took this opportunity to explain an important lesson to his sons. He said, "If you stay together and support each other, no one can harm you. But if you are divided and separate from each other, anyone can easily harm you."

The sons understood the message and realized the importance of unity. From that day onwards, they decided to put aside their quarrels and work together as a strong and unbreakable family.

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