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Composition | A Man Can Achieve What He Wills To Achieve

When we take on many things and fail at most of them, we feel sad and try to comfort ourselves by saying that it was destined for us to succeed in one thing and fail in another. But destiny is just something people imagine. It's only a safe place for those who are afraid and lack determination.

A person is in control of their own destiny. If they have the desire, they can make something of themselves. However, if they hesitate and give in to opposing forces, they can ruin their own future. A determined person never fails. Their unwavering determination, combined with their persistent efforts, leads them to their goal and makes them truly successful. On the other hand, a person who is fearful and lacks self-confidence can never achieve their goal and dies without any honor. Robert Bruce would never have freed his homeland from the enemy if he had surrendered to the idea of fate and given up the fight. Similarly, a pilot cannot reach their destination if they are terrified and confused by large waves and leave everything to fate.

Fate is meaningless and powerless. Therefore, it is foolish to rely on fate. To succeed, we must rely on ourselves alone. God has given humans the ability to think, feel, and make choices. He has also given them the capability to take action. So, it is up to each person to shape their own destiny. When willpower and effort are combined, success is guaranteed.

From the previous discussion, it is now clear that a person who remains committed and works hard will win the battle, even if it seems impossible to someone who wavers and lacks confidence. In fact, a person can achieve whatever they set their mind to.

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