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Composition | A Village Doctor

In a village, there is an important person called the village doctor. Everyone in the village knows him and respects him a lot. He provides medicine to the poor villagers. Usually, village doctors are not officially qualified, but some of them work under a trained medical professional and learn about medicine.

The village doctor has a small clinic at his home. He keeps medicine in one or two cupboards. He has a chair and a table for himself, and a bench for the patients to sit on. The patients come to his house early in the morning. He doesn't have an assistant. He examines the patients waiting for their turn and gives them medicine. After the patients leave, he goes to visit the houses of those who call him. He may use a bicycle to go to faraway places. He charges a small fee, but if a patient is poor, he treats them for free.

The village doctor takes special care of his patients. Sometimes, he sits beside them for hours, carefully studying their illness. If someone has a serious disease, he may even stay with them all night, providing treatment. He is the villagers' best friend.

The village doctor has simple habits. Everyone loves and respects him. Not just the poor, but even the well-off people treat him politely. Our government has taken steps to train village doctors properly for their development.

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