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Story | All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Once upon a time, there was a man who was traveling on a train. He had a small box with valuable jewelry inside, given to him by his boss. The purpose was to deliver it to his wife at their destination. At one point, a well-dressed man entered his train compartment. The man seemed rich and spoke very nicely, with good manners. Seeing this, the traveler thought the stranger was a gentleman and told him about his purpose for the trip.

Late at night, the stranger asked the man if he could sleep while he kept an eye on the box. The man agreed and fell asleep. When he woke up at a train junction, he realized that both the stranger and his precious box were gone. Feeling worried, he quickly got off the train and, luckily, spotted the stranger hurrying away with the box on another platform. The man chased after him and managed to catch him. The stranger tried to escape, but the people nearby caught him and handed him over to the police.

The police inspector, after letting the man keep his box, told him, "In the future, always be cautious because things that appear valuable might not always be so."

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