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Story | An Old Tiger And A Greedy Traveller

Once upon a time, there was an old Tiger who couldn't hunt anymore. One morning, he stood by a lake, holding a special blade of grass in one paw and a shiny bracelet in the other. He called out, "Hey everyone! I'm selling this bracelet for charity!" A Traveler happened to pass by and liked the bracelet, but he was scared of the Tiger. The Traveler said, "How can I trust you won't hurt me?" The Tiger replied, "I admit, when I was young, I did bad things like killing cows and people. But then a holy man told me to give to the needy. So now, I take baths and give things away to help others. Plus, I'm old now. I've lost my sharp teeth and claws. So, why would you be afraid of me?" The Traveler believed the Tiger and went into the lake, but he got stuck in the deep mud. When the Tiger saw this, he said, "Don't worry! I'll help you!" He slowly moved towards the Traveler and grabbed him. Unfortunately, the Tiger ended up killing and eating the Traveler.

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