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Story | Charity Begins At Home

Once upon a time, there was a lady who had a young son. This lady had a job as a social worker, so she often had to leave her son alone with the servants while she went out to help others. As the little boy grew up without the love and care of his mother, he started to develop some problems in his mind. The mother became worried about his bad behavior and strange actions, so she took him to a psychologist for help.

After studying the boy's thoughts and feelings, the psychologist told the mother that her son's unusual behavior was a result of not having enough love and care from her. The mother explained, "I'm a social worker and I don't have much time to spend with my son." The psychologist replied, "Madam, I understand and admire your dedication to helping others, but it's important to remember that taking care of your own family should come first. It's like they say, charity begins at home."

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