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Story | Cinderella

Once there was a very pretty girl named Cinderella. She lived with her mean stepmother and two stepsisters who treated her really badly. One day, they got invited to a fancy party at the king's palace. But Cinderella's stepmother wouldn't allow her to go. Instead, Cinderella had to sew new dresses for her stepmother and stepsisters and even style their hair. They went off to the party, leaving poor Cinderella all alone at home. She felt really sad and started crying.

Suddenly, a magical fairy godmother appeared and told Cinderella not to cry. The fairy godmother promised to send her to the ball. But Cinderella was still upset and said, "I don't have a dress to wear!" The fairy godmother waved her wand, and Cinderella's old clothes transformed into a beautiful new gown! Then, with another wave of the wand, the fairy godmother turned Cinderella's shoes into gorgeous glass slippers.

Cinderella worried about how she would get to the grand ball. The fairy godmother noticed six mice playing near a pumpkin in the kitchen. She used her wand to turn the mice into four shiny black horses and two coachmen, and the pumpkin magically transformed into a golden carriage. Cinderella couldn't believe her eyes and was overjoyed. She set off for the ball in the stunning coach pulled by the six black horses. Before leaving, the fairy godmother warned her, "Cinderella, this magic will only last until midnight! You must return home by then!"

When Cinderella arrived at the palace, everyone was amazed by her beauty. Nobody, not even her stepmother or stepsisters, recognized her in her elegant attire. Even the handsome prince noticed her and fell in love with Cinderella. He approached her and asked, "Would you like to dance?" Cinderella happily agreed, and they danced together all night. Nobody at the ball knew who the mysterious and beautiful dancer was.

Cinderella was so caught up in the joy of dancing with the prince that she almost forgot about the fairy godmother's warning. But at the last moment, she remembered and hurried to leave. "Oh no, I must go!" she cried and rushed out of the palace. In her haste, one of her glass slippers slipped off, but Cinderella didn't turn back to retrieve it. She reached home just as the clock struck twelve. Her carriage turned back into a pumpkin, the horses became mice again, and her exquisite gown turned into rags.

Shortly after Cinderella arrived home, her stepmother and stepsisters returned. They were talking excitedly about the beautiful lady who had danced with the prince. The prince had fallen in love with Cinderella and wanted to find her, but he didn't even know her name. However, he discovered the glass slipper that had fallen off Cinderella's foot as she ran home. The prince declared, "I will find her! The lady whose foot fits this slipper will be the one I marry!"

The next day, the prince and his servants went to every house in the kingdom with the glass slipper. They wanted to find the lady whose foot would perfectly fit into it. All the women in the kingdom tried the slipper, but it didn't fit any of them. Cinderella's stepsisters also attempted to squeeze their feet into the tiny glass slipper, but the servant was afraid it would break. Cinderella's stepmother refused to let her try on the slipper. However, the prince spotted Cinderella and insisted, "Let her try on the slipper too!" To everyone's astonishment, the slipper fit Cinderella perfectly.

The prince recognized her as the lady from the ball, and he happily married Cinderella. They lived happily ever after

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