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Composition | Discipline

Discipline means following the rules that are made for how people behave. We humans are social creatures, so we can't do whatever we want. We have to follow certain rules set by our society and our country. This is what we call discipline. The whole universe, including us, is also governed by the laws made by the creator Allah. Other nations also have their own rules that they follow. Even spirits and angels have their own rules.

Schools and colleges are great places to learn discipline. When students go to school, they have to follow rules in the classroom and on the school grounds. They have to do what their teachers tell them to do and respect their older classmates. This is how they learn discipline.

The army, police, and BDR (Border Guard) also have rules and regulations. They set a good example for the nation to learn discipline. They regularly practice their rules in their barracks. They are like role models for us.

Discipline brings us peace and prosperity. It helps us learn and grow. When people follow the rules, they stay happy and can lead successful lives. So, we should also follow discipline, just like the other creations do.

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