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Composition | Environment

All the things in nature that make life possible on Earth are part of the environment. This includes water, air, sunlight, land, fire, forests, animals, plants, and more. Earth is considered the only planet in the universe with the necessary environment for life to exist. Without the environment, we can't imagine life here, so it's important to keep our environment safe and clean to ensure the possibility of life in the future. It is the responsibility of every person living on Earth. Everyone should come together and join the campaign for protecting the environment.

There are various cycles that regularly occur between the environment and living things to maintain nature's balance. However, if these cycles are disturbed in any way, it disrupts the balance of nature, which ultimately affects human lives. Our environment helps us and other living beings to grow, develop, and thrive on Earth for thousands of years. Humans are considered the most intelligent creatures on Earth, created by nature. They have a strong curiosity to understand the universe, which leads to technological advancements.

However, these technological advancements in our lives are gradually putting the possibilities of life on Earth in danger. It seems that one day our environment will become so harmful for life, as the natural air, soil, and water are becoming polluted. This pollution is already having negative effects on the health of humans, animals, plants, and other living things. Artificial fertilizers made with harmful chemicals are spoiling the soil, which indirectly affects our bodies through the food we eat every day. Harmful smoke emitted by industrial companies on a daily basis is polluting the air we breathe, greatly impacting our health.

In our busy and advanced lives, we must be mindful of these small negative habits on a daily basis. It's true that even a small effort from each person can bring about a significant positive change for our declining environment. We should not misuse natural resources for our own selfish desires or destructive wishes. We should promote the growth and development of science and technology for the betterment of our lives, but always ensure that it will not harm our environment in any way in the future. We must ensure that new technologies will never disrupt the ecological balance.

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