Composition | Friendship
Friendship is a special bond between two people where they genuinely love, care, and feel affection for each other without any expectations or misunderstandings. Usually, friendship develops between individuals who have similar preferences, emotions, and sentiments. It is believed that friendship has no limits based on age, gender, social status, caste, religion, or creed. However, sometimes economic differences or other factors can harm a friendship. Therefore, it can be said that true and genuine friendship is possible between like-minded people who are on the same level and have a mutual affection for each other.
In the world, there are many friends who stick together during good times, but only true, sincere, and loyal friends stand by us during our tough times, hardships, and troubles. Our difficult moments help us distinguish between our good and bad friends. It is natural for everyone to be attracted to money, but true friends never make us feel bad when we are in need of financial help or other support. However, borrowing or lending money between friends can put the friendship at great risk. Friendship can be affected by external factors or by our own actions, so we need to maintain a balance in this relationship.
Sometimes, friendship breaks due to ego and issues of self-respect. True friendship requires understanding, satisfaction, a helpful nature, and trust. A true friend never exploits but instead motivates each other to do the right things in life. However, sometimes the meaning of friendship can change completely due to fake and deceitful friends who use others in the wrong way. Some people have a tendency to come together quickly but also end their friendship as soon as their own interests are fulfilled. It is difficult to say negative things about friendship, but it is true that a careless person can be deceived in a friendship. Nowadays, it is very challenging to find true friends in the midst of both good and bad people, but if someone has a true friend, they are the luckiest and most valuable person in the world.
True friendship can exist between humans and between humans and animals. There is no doubt that best friends support us during difficult times in life. Friends always try to protect us from danger and offer timely advice. True friends are like the most valuable assets in our lives as they share our sorrows, alleviate our pain, and bring us happiness.