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Story | Foolish Friends Are Foes Indeed

Once upon a time, there was a deer that got sick. So, he found a nice, open area with lots of grass and lay down there. After a day or two, he became so weak that he couldn't even move. Word quickly spread about the deer's illness, and many of his friends came to check on him. They were all animals that eat grass. They stayed with the deer to take care of him.

After a few days, they ate up all the grass in that area, and there was not a single blade of grass left. Eventually, the deer started to get better. When his friends saw that, they started leaving one by one until the deer was all alone. However, he was still too weak to stand up and move around. Since all the grass had been eaten by his friends and he couldn't go look for more, he ended up starving to death.

If his friends hadn't eaten all the grass in that area, he would have been able to eat it and survive. This story shows that sometimes a foolish friend can be worse than an enemy.

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