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Story | Handsome Is That Handsome Does

Once upon a time, there was a young prince who wanted to marry a beautiful girl. He had heard stories about the beauty of certain girls and decided to visit their houses in disguise as a poor traveler. When he arrived at the house of the girl who was considered the prettiest in the country, she refused to let him in because he looked dirty and was wearing tattered clothes. So he went to the house of another girl who was famous for her beauty. She allowed him inside but treated him with disrespect. The third beautiful girl refused to give him food on a plate and instead asked him to bring a banana leaf to use as a plate.

He visited many beautiful girls, but they all treated him poorly. One day, as darkness was approaching, he knocked on a door in a village. A young girl opened the door and the prince, still dressed as a beggar, asked for shelter and food. The girl welcomed him in, took him to a room, and told him to sit down. She then heated some water for him to bathe and ease his tiredness. After his bath, she brought him two breads made of millet and a bowl of goat's milk. She placed the food in front of him and treated him kindly. The prince, who was hungry, enjoyed the bread and milk.

After the meal, the girl sat down next to the prince and they started chatting. She told him that she lived with her blind mother and earned a living by tending to the villagers' goats. She made a bed for the prince to sleep in and wished him good night. In the morning, the prince woke up, had breakfast, and then left. He returned to his palace and informed his advisors that he had found the girl he wanted to marry.

He explained, "She may be poor, uneducated, and not exceptionally beautiful, but to me, she is the most suitable girl to be the future queen. Her kindness, her compassion towards the poor, and her treatment of people in ragged clothes are unmatched." The prince continued, "True beauty is not just about appearances. Beauty lies in one's actions and behavior."

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