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Story | Hansel And Gretel

Once upon a time, there was a poor man who cut wood for a living. He had a wife and two children, Hansel and Gretel. Sadly, their mother passed away when they were young, which made Hansel and Gretel very sad.

After a while, their father remarried, but their new stepmother was very mean. One day, she took the children into the deep forest and left them there all alone. Luckily, clever Hansel had breadcrumbs in his pocket and had dropped them along the path so they could find their way back home.

But, oh no! The birds ate all the crumbs, and Hansel and Gretel couldn't find the way back. They walked deeper into the forest, feeling hungry and tired. Finally, after a long time, they came across a cottage made entirely of chocolate, candies, and cake.

Gretel shouted in joy, "Look, Hansel! It's a brick of chocolate!" They both ate it hungrily. Little did they know, a wicked witch lived in that cottage. As soon as she saw Hansel and Gretel, she wanted to eat them. She grabbed the children and locked them in a cage.

The witch planned to make a soup out of Hansel and eat him first. She started boiling a huge pot of water for the soup. Luckily, Gretel managed to sneak out of the cage. She gave the wicked witch a powerful push from behind, causing her to fall into the boiling water. The witch screamed in pain and died instantly.

Hansel and Gretel discovered that there was treasure all around the cottage. They gathered it up and took it home with them. When they arrived, they found out that their stepmother had passed away, and their father welcomed them back with tears of joy.

From that day forward, Hansel and Gretel never went hungry again, thanks to the treasure they found.

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