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Composition | Jack - Fruit/ Our National Fruit

The jackfruit is our national fruit. It's the biggest fruit of all fruits. It's really tasty and almost everyone likes it. You can find this fruit easily anywhere in our country.

Jackfruit grows all over our country, but it does better in places with high soil quality and heavy rainfall. It grows a lot in Tengu of Tangail, Modhupur and Vawalgarh, Jessore, Rajshahi, Dinajpur, and Saver.

The jackfruit is a really large fruit. It can weigh from five to forty kilograms. It has a prickly covering and looks yellow to yellow-black. Inside, it has many yellow cells, and each cell has a stone. We eat the cells, and when you squeeze them, they release juice. The jackfruit tree can be very big. The fruit grows naturally from the top to the bottom of the tree and even hangs from the thin branches. The season for jackfruit is from Baishakh to Ashar, and it takes about three months to ripen.

This fruit is high in calories. It has various vitamins, especially vitamin A, which is important for our eyes. People in rural areas like to eat the cells of the fruit with puffed rice (muri). Green jackfruit is also cooked and eaten. If the cells are not eaten, the stones can be cooked and used as food for cattle.

Foreigners find jackfruit very appealing. So we can earn foreign currency by exporting it. The jackfruit tree is also very useful. Its wood is beautiful and durable, and it's used to make furniture. The leaves of the tree are also useful. Goats eat them, and they can also be burned to cook food.

Jackfruit is a very useful fruit, and our country's climate is great for growing it. We should grow more jackfruits. We should also find the best way to preserve this fruit so that it's available throughout the year.

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