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Composition | Illiteracy

Education is really important for a country. It's like the backbone of a nation. Without it, a nation can't do well. Unfortunately, in our country, there are a lot of people who can't read or write. It's a big problem because we have a large population. Only about one-fourth of our people can read and write, while the rest are illiterate. It's really sad. If more people in our country can learn to read and write, we can have hope for a better future.

Books, newspapers, and magazines have a lot of information and instructions. Important records and accounts are kept in books. Different kinds of documents are written down. Confidential information and news are sent through letters. Books also have instructions on modern farming techniques and other important things. Doctors write prescriptions and instructions. Even religious books, like the holy Quran, are written down. People who can't read and write miss out on all these things. They remain unaware. Ignorance is like being in the dark. We can't do anything important in the dark.

We understand very clearly that illiteracy is a terrible thing. We have to get rid of this curse. There are many boys and girls of school age in our country. Some of them go to school, but many of them help their families with farming or take care of animals. This means most of our children are not getting an education. If this continues, we'll never be able to end illiteracy. Thankfully, primary education is now free in our country. It's great that our government has made primary education compulsory. They're also focusing on adult education. Of course, we can't bring all the illiterate adults into the program at once. And unfortunately, only a few illiterate adults in the project area have shown interest. Illiterate women don't come forward because they're poor and don't know about the program. The adult education program will be successful if our illiterate adults want to get rid of illiteracy.

To remove illiteracy from Bangladesh, we need our illiterate people to respond positively. We should show them some good examples. Local leaders and authorities should motivate and encourage our people so that they participate and make the program a success.

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