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Story | Look Before You Leap

Once upon a time, there was a fox walking around in the dark. Unfortunately, he had some bad luck and accidentally fell into a well. He tried his best to escape, but all his efforts were in vain. So, he had to stay there until the next morning.

The following day, around mid-morning, a goat happened to pass by the well. She looked inside and saw the fox trapped there.

"What are you doing down there, Mr. Fox?" asked the goat.

"I came here to drink water. It's the most delicious water I've ever tasted. Come and see for yourself," replied the cunning fox.

Without giving it much thought, the goat jumped into the well. She quenched her thirst and then looked for a way to climb out.

The fox said, "I have an idea. Stand on your back legs. I'll climb onto your head and make my way out. Then I'll help you get out too." The foolish goat followed the fox's advice and stood on her hind legs, allowing the fox to climb onto her head and escape from the well.

As the fox walked away, he remarked, "If you had been wise, you would have never jumped in without knowing how to get out."

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