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Story | Might Is Right

Once upon a time, on a very hot and smelly day, a man who loved chasing women went to a stream called "Medallion Creek." This creek flowed swiftly down the side of a rocky mountain. At the same time, a small writer was sitting near the stream, doing some writing. The womanizer stood on a higher part of the stream, and the writer was a bit far away from him, closer to the water.

But the womanizer had a mean streak in him and wanted to start trouble. So he ran down to the writer and asked him why he was disturbing the water and making it so dirty that he couldn't drink it. The writer, innocent and trying to stay calm, replied in a soft and humble voice, "How can I make it dirty? The water is flowing from you to me, and I promise I didn't do anything to spoil it."

The womanizer didn't believe him and said, "Maybe so, but just yesterday I saw your father encouraging the dogs that were chasing after me." The writer was shocked and replied, "Please have mercy! My poor father died a long time ago."

"It must have been your mother then," said the mean man. The writer responded, "My mother passed away on the day I was born."

"Dead or alive," shouted the womanizer, "I know that you're a troublemaker, and I've heard that you've been plotting against me behind my back for about a week. So I'm going to get revenge."

With those words, he pounced on the poor writer, attacked him ruthlessly, tore him apart, and made a meal out of him.

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