Composition | My First Day At School
Life is made up of things that happen and experiences we have. But not all of them are equally important and easy to remember. Some of them are nice and stay in our hearts forever. The first day I went to school is one of those days.
It was January 1st, 2002. On that day, my dad took me to the closest elementary school in our area. When we entered the school, I felt a bit scared because it was a new place for me. My heart started beating fast. First, the teacher asked my name and some simple questions. I could answer all of them.
Then I went to the classroom at 10:00 a.m. Our teacher, Mr. Khalilur Rahman, came in front of us. The class lasted for 35 minutes, and the whole time he treated us like his friends and spoke politely. Finally, he gave us homework. When the bell rang, he left the class. I had four more periods with a 30-minute break. I noticed that all my teachers were careful, friendly, and helpful.
During the break, all my classmates started playing on the field. I felt very alone and walked around without knowing what to do. Then they invited me to join them. At first, I wasn't sure if I should trust them. But the way they welcomed me made all my fears go away. I felt like a bird flying freely in the open sky.
My first day at school is the most unforgettable day of my life. Everything in the school seemed new and joyful to me. I left the school at 2:30 p.m. with new experiences and a happy mind. That day will always be fresh in my memory.