Composition | My Mother
The word Mother is very sweet to me. She carried me into herself before coming in to this earth. When I was a mere child, she suckled me and thus I was getting growth. I can never forget my mother. All of my dreams surround her. I get mad if I do not see her. She is my shelter in any danger.
Mother’s position in the family is very high. In the religion of Islam, it is said that the heaven of offspring lies under the feet of mother. Allah has also ordered us to serve our parents if we want to serve anyone but Him. All the religions have shown respect to mother.
My mother is a housewife. She is to do all the household works of our family of seven members. She takes after us and also helps my father is his works. She herself prepares our dresses. She looks, washes cloths, cleans house etc. her performance in maintaining the family is very excellent. She does not feel tired to do work. I get surprise that she starts working early in the morning and continues till about midnight. Every member of our family praises her talent. She is very sincere about hygiene. Whenever we get ill she serves to us. She does not hesitate to sacrifice any of her happiness to see smile on our faces. I am very proud of my mother.
My mother is a graduate. Even then is absolutely housewife. She is capable to have any respectable job. But my father has restricted her to go outside for any job. My mother was upset with my father’s conservative attitude. But she had nothing to do. She cannot forget that in judgment of my father even today.
Mother and motherland is superior to Heaven. My mother is all of my life. I can think nothing my mother. I love my mother more than my life.