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Composition | My Pet Animal

There are lots of different types of animals that people keep as pets all over the world. In our country, the dog and the cat are the most well-known. You can find these two animals in almost every house here. Out of all the different types of pets, my favorite is the cat. I have a pet cat and she is very beautiful. I named her Pussy.

Pussy has four legs, two ears, two eyes, and a long tail. She has a round head and her whole body is covered in soft fur. She looks like a small tiger.

I really like Pussy and she likes me too. If I come home late from school, she meows and looks for me. As soon as I come back home, she runs to me. I often pick her up and put her on my lap. She then makes a soft purring sound and shows that she is happy. When I call her by her name, she moves around me and meows in a very sweet way. When I leave for school, Pussy follows me until the gate and says goodbye with a sad heart.

Pussy is naturally clean and tidy. She doesn't go outside the house and make her body dirty. She prefers to be comfortable and sleeps on my bed. If I get angry, she looks at me with gentle eyes and meows lovingly. That's why I can't make her go away.

My pet cat Pussy is very well-behaved. She never steals any food from our house. She really likes milk and dried fish. When we sit down to eat, she meows around us. I give her food to eat. Everyone in our house loves her and gives her food too. She enjoys playing with my younger brothers and sisters.

Pussy does many good things for us. At night, she moves around the house and catches rats, mice, and other harmful insects.

Pussy is my favorite pet. She is like a member of our family. We take special care of her because we keep her as a pet for our own happiness and enjoyment. We consider Pussy as a friend of our family, so everyone in our family treats her with great care.

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